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S4 Integration Home

S4 Integration seems to be doing something right according to our managing director, Andrew White. S...

Implementing changes and reforming the workforce

Automation or labour-saving technology according to Wikipedia is the technology by which a process o...

South Africa Industry 4.0

The right skill set for Industry 4.0 becomes critical as it will alter the way some industries such...

Cyber Physical Systems

Smart technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are rapidly becoming a part of modern indust...

Manufacturing Execution Systems

Industry 4.0 is set to lead the way of digitization of manufacturing processes. Manufacturing Execut...

Machine Vision

We live in a time where more and more we rely on technology. As you read this, you may in fact be w...

Rugged Tablets

Now, more than ever it’s important to choose the correct devices for your applications. Can you clea...

overall equipment effectiveness media banner

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the gold standard for measuring manufacturing productivity. It identifies...

Factory Floor

Life as we know it has probably changed for good. We now live in the post-COVID-19 world and many of...

Exporters Club Interview

On the 16th of September 2019, S4 Integration was live on KingFischer FM discussing our latest acco...

Isithembiso Radio Interview

WeCarePE, an S4 staff initiative had a conversation with KingFisher FM pertaining to our first cha...

S4 Wins Small Business Exporter

S4 Integration attended the prestigious annual event, Exporter of the Year, on the 16th of August ...

Saving Costs through effective Automation

As we move toward what will hopefully be the last week of full lockdown, many production facilities ...


There is no denying that more and more industries are moving towards Robotic Process Automation (RPA...

Vorne Systems OEE

In simple terms, Over-all Equipment Efficiency is a standard for measuring your productivity. If it...

Smart Manufacturing

In recent years, smart manufacturing has been conceptualised as a system that goes beyond the factor...

Rugged Tablet

Tablets have certainly opened a world of possibilities for users all over the world. We now have acc...

Rugged Tablet

Industrial PC’s perform diverse tasks from enabling you to run powerful automation software, to cont...

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